Your privacy belongs only to you!

Why is it extremely important to pay more attention to privacy right now? And what can we expect in the future if we don't do it?
In both personal and professional lives, we think about what information we share with whom and how. We have no control over the exchange of information or any loss of information. Many automatically exclude potential risks associated with this, as we are often unaware of how much information is unintentionally and unconsciously lost and how much could be spied on. We cannot see any connection to the technical way in which the information we share is processed and forwarded. On the one hand, the Internet never “forgets”, on the other hand, we are exposed to uncontrolled data collections as a result of the Covid-19-App and as well as through the use of data forms, hacking or even espionage.
The more data is lost, the more the control over our private and business activities is taken by others. The danger of being hacked increases. The consequences in this case are often severe, enormous financial losses or even the existence of the company can be at stake.
What can we do to guarantee more control over all our data and privacy?
- Before filling out a data form or accepting a free offer, do not fail to ask the following questions:
• Is the provider trustworthy?
• What does he need my data for?
• What can happen to it?
• What alternative way is there to have the relevant information exchanged while protecting my private data?
- Exactly the same applies to public space. For example, if you walk into a Restaurant, personal data must be communicated. Whether unwanted advertising is generated from this or even data is taken from third parties unnoticed for possible abusive purposes depends on the host and his environment. Many of them offer self-collection, which not only supports the regional entrepreneurs but also protects our privacy.
- When exchanging company data with colleagues or customers, we advise you to look for providers with the following characteristics.
• Are they DSGVO compliant?
• What value do they place on the privacy of each individual?
• How high is the security level, i.e. are the functions end-to-end encrypted?
• What additional protective measures, such as two-factor authentication, Privacy by Design, Know your Customer, etc. do they offer for maximum security?
• Where is all my data managed and secured?
• Who has access to my data? There are numerous good and free providers, but most of them only guarantee a certain part of the requirements, such as maximum security and privacy of their customers. This is because certain applications can only be realised with additional resources and additional effort.
- Alexa and Co. since the Internet has been around, there are many ways to get a flood of desired information. The technology makes it much easier for us to handle it and relevant information is given in the shortest possible time. However, there are always two sides! Would it be, for example, the unwanted spying? This does not only exist in movies, as this is now possible in every household. Here the principle "not the technology should exploit you, but you the technology" applies. This means: Switch on the camera only for an online conference, and use the webcam cover as protection for the rest of the time. Only switch on the microphone during the actual conversation.
In order to be able to protect your privacy and the information associated with it, we have developed the ALL-in-ONE communication and collaboration platform SWISS SECURIUM®. The platform guarantees maximum security for all your data, is protected under Swiss law, which is one of the strictest rights in the world, and, is exclusive for the user to manage and view. Even we, as the provider, have no access to the user platforms.
This is what we call TOP security!